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Pholiota nameko (syn. Pholiota microspora), or Nameko (Japanese for "slimy mushroom"), is a delicious, easy to grow mushroom, very popular in Japan and China, and becoming more popular throughout the world. Sometimes sold as "butterscotch" mushrooms. If grown in high humidity, the mushrooms develop a slimy coating on the caps, which is great as a thickener in traditional miso soup. If you don't want the slime, just grow them in a less humid environment.
High humidity can often be found in the garden, like in the photo above.
We grow our Nameko on hardwood logs and hardwood sawdust, mainly Eucalyptus species, using nameko-grain-spawn. Our variety fruits all year round, outdoors in Tasmania, surviving frost and snow in Winter, as well as dry, warm Summers (just remember to water them a few times a day).