Care for your fruiting bag

Simply cut the top off, keep moist and watch your mushrooms grow.
We recommend you spray your mushrooms with water a couple of times a day. Oyster mushrooms are very resilient and will grow almost anywhere. You can sit them in your kitchen, outside in the sun or in a shady place. The main thing is to keep them moist and away from rodents. You should get around two mushroom flushes, so once you have harvested your mushrooms, keep the brick for the second flush of mushrooms.
What do I do with my spent mushroom brick? The brick is made of organic matter so once fruiting has finished, you can bury it in your garden. You can also bury under woodchips in your vegie garden, over time you may have oyster mushrooms popping up when the conditions are right.

Cooking Tips...
Your oyster mushrooms will not need to be peeled or washed, it is better to brush them off or scrape them gently with a knife. We are really loving our oyster mushrooms in stir fry dishes as the cap is thin and cooks really quickly. But our absolute super fav is tempura style! We lightly heat home made chive vinegar brine and simmer the Oyster mushrooms for about 1 minute. Drain and lightly coat in a good quality stone ground flour.
Oyster mushrooms have a delicate flavour and can be prepared in many ways, crikey, even good ole butter, garlic, parsley and oyster mushrooms on sourdough toast… enjoy.