Forest fungi

Tasmanian specialty mushrooms

Mushrooms for your garden

King Stropharia are great in vege gardens and orchards

All Natural

Grown with only the best natural ingredients, mountain water and sunlight

Specialty Mushrooms

We can grow many species for you

Record breaking Shiitake

We needed a big fry pan for this beauty

Forest fungi

Tasmanian specialty mushrooms

Mushrooms for your garden

King Stropharia are great in vege gardens and orchards

All Natural

Grown with only the best natural ingredients, mountain water and sunlight

Specialty Mushrooms

We can grow many species for you

Record breaking Shiitake

We needed a big fry pan for this beauty

Quality Goods for Gourmet Cultivation

At Forest Fungi we are devoted to  sharing  knowledge and capability to enable people to become independent gourmet mushroom growers. 

Mushroom hammer for log inoculation

Mushroom hammer for log inoculation

$70.00 AUD $95.00 AUD
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These hammers are designed to punch a hole in a log. The tapered hole, from 8.5mm to 9.5mm wide and 22mm deep, can be filled with an inoculated dowel, grain spawn, or sawdust spawn. Great fun to use, no need for batteries or cords, these last for years-mine has outlasted several rechargeable batteries.

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How to Grow Guides

Want to learn more about how to grow mushrooms? 

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